Sunday, August 10, 2008

Children's Author Pens Memoir

Karen Petit, noted author of children’s stories (see her web site at, published her first book for adults this spring (2008). Titled A Paw on My Heart, the book tells the author’s true story of how, in the aftermath of a horrendous divorce, she reluctantly acquired a dog for companionship–and discovered the amazing healing power of pets. Ms. Petit’s publisher is Red Letter Press, Columbia, S.C. The author, pictured here with her now-deceased dog Ivy, invites comments on her work.

Opening of A Paw on My Heart

Ivy rescued me. She didn’t jump into the water and pull me to safety. She didn’t find me lost on a mountain trail. She didn’t push me out of the way of an oncoming car in a pedestrian crosswalk.

Ivy saved me by being herself: a dog.

For more about this author and her books: http://redletter