Sunday, August 10, 2008

Children's Author Pens Memoir

Karen Petit, noted author of children’s stories (see her web site at, published her first book for adults this spring (2008). Titled A Paw on My Heart, the book tells the author’s true story of how, in the aftermath of a horrendous divorce, she reluctantly acquired a dog for companionship–and discovered the amazing healing power of pets. Ms. Petit’s publisher is Red Letter Press, Columbia, S.C. The author, pictured here with her now-deceased dog Ivy, invites comments on her work.

Opening of A Paw on My Heart

Ivy rescued me. She didn’t jump into the water and pull me to safety. She didn’t find me lost on a mountain trail. She didn’t push me out of the way of an oncoming car in a pedestrian crosswalk.

Ivy saved me by being herself: a dog.

For more about this author and her books: http://redletter

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Winner!

Deep in the Heart -- A Memoir of Love and Longing
, by Sheila Morris, a Red Letter Press author, won First Place last night in the Fourth Annual Golden Literary Society Awards competition in Phoenix, AZ. Via, Red Writer received the following email from Sheila this a.m. announcing the big news. Sheila attended the event with her Significant Other Teresa Williams.

"WE WON!!!!!! It was an unbelievable night - really - but we WON!!!!!
I thanked my publisher, Red Letter Press, just like all the other winners did, so you joined a special group of publishers tonight!! I wish you had been here to see it. Luckily, I think we can order a video!!

Teresa is as hysterically happy as I am, and we are beside ourselves...honestly, if you could have seen the book on the huge screen just like at the Academy Awards with Red Letter Press written beside the cover along with my name, you would have been so pleased. The presenter read Ed Madden's blurb, and it was great to hear!!

Just wanted to let you know - you should go take a look at the competition if you haven't yet.

Celebrate yourself tonight, you clever devil, you.
Thank you again for your belief in the book - I will always be grateful to you."

(Ed. Note:
Dr. Madden, a well-known poet, teaches at the University of South Carolina. Sheila's book was entered in the Lesbian short story/essay category. Deep in the Heart, published in 2007, was her first book. She is now writing another, from which a sampling will be posted here soon.)
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